Понедельник , 27 Январь 2025

Сайты с работой для фрилансеров: Фриланс официальный сайт фрилансеров и самозанятых. Удаленная работа. Фриланс работа и вакансии, фрилансер, работа на дому. Freelance.ru freelancer site.

Фриланс официальный сайт фрилансеров и самозанятых. Удаленная работа. Фриланс работа и вакансии, фрилансер, работа на дому. Freelance.ru freelancer site.

Дорогие друзья!

Ресурс Freelance.ru специально разработан для тех, кто самостоятелен, ответственен, образован, уверен в себе и полагается только на себя, кто считает себя «независимым художником», вольным бойцом – именно эти качества заложены в гордом названии «freelancer».

В последнее время удаленная работа привлекает не только тех самозанятых, кто предпочитает «свободный полет» и называет себя «freelancer». Ею интересуются люди творческих и технических профессий, постоянно служащие в штате, но готовые выполнять дополнительную работу, а также организации и компании, которые нуждаются в удаленных сотрудниках.

Мы уверены, что разделы «проекты» (удаленная работа вакансии, работа фриланс), «вакансии» (постоянная работа) и «конкурсы» будут полезны как фрилансерам, так и заказчикам.

Впрочем, наш фриланс -проект создан не только с целью помочь желающим найти подходящую удаленную работу удаленная работа вакансии, но и для того, чтобы каждый самозанятый и фрилансер имел возможность встретиться здесь со своими коллегами, обсудить профессиональные вопросы, выбрать необходимый инструментарий и просто получить удовольствие от общения с друзьями, рассказать о своих достижениях, поделиться своими проблемами, посмотреть удаленная работа вакансии.

Мы счастливы видеть вас на сайте Freelance.ru. С удовольствием выслушаем ваши отзывы о проекте. Внимательно отнесемся к замечаниям и пожеланиям. Присылайте их нам или высказывайте на Форуме.

Пусть ваш путь во фрилансе будет успешен, и удача сопутствует всем вашим начинаниям!

С уважением, Команда Freelance.ru

Уважаемые заказчики!

Мы рады приветствовать вас на Фриланс.ру, проекте посвященном удаленной работе (работа фриланс). Если у вас есть идея и вы ищите исполнителя для её осуществления, то мы поможем вам в этом.

Вы можете открыть проект, разместить вакансию или открыть конкурс и выбрать из предложений откликнувшихся фрилансеров то, которое вас устраивает, посмотреть предложения услуг фрилансеров в разделе «услуги фрилансеров », и поискать готовые макеты в работах, выставленных в разделе «работы на продажу».

Также у вас есть возможность найти исполнителя, ознакомившись с портфолио фрилансеров в нашем каталоге, находящемся в левой части страницы, выбрав в нем нужную вам специализацию и категорию.

Обратите особое внимание на блоки аватар, расположенные горизонтально в верхней части страниц каталога и в вертикальном столбце левой его части. Кликнув на аватару, вы увидите работы фрилансера и отзывы о нем, что, несомненно, позволит вам составить предварительное мнение и облегчит выбор нужного исполнителя.

Надеемся на удачное и продолжительное сотрудничество.

«Посоветуйте фриланс сайты для начинающих» – Яндекс.Кью

Сейчас их по факту только три осталось: Etxt.biz, Text.ru и Freelance.ru — все остальные давно уже отошли от возни с новичками и ударились в монетизацию.

Etxt.biz — биржа узкоспециализированная, только для текстовиков. При этом для корректоров/редакторов там официально места нет, т.к. имеются свои, биржевые. Для остальных — пожалуйста, куча разделов и подразделов. Цены, правда, не радуют, но зато оплата гарантирована, т.к. работа ведётся строго через биржу.

Text.ru — примерно то же самое, только антиплагиат лояльнее и комиссия побольше.

Freelance.ru — биржа универсальная, практически любой специалист может найти проект. При этом работать можно и через биржу, и мимо ней, просто обменявшись контактами с заказчиками. Правда, такой путь может привести к работе без оплаты. Кроме того, периодически выскакивают фейковые проекты (т.е. не для поиска исполнителя, а просто для занятия места в ленте), создаваемые заказчиками-однодневками.

Страсть к монетизации, однако, и эту биржу затронула: большая часть проектов и вакансий доступна только бизнес-аккаунтам. Но для «бесплатников» остается немало, т.ч. работать вполне можно. Да и бизнес-аккаунт там стоит всего 590 р./мес. — это самая низкая цена среди ближайших конкурентов.

Хотелось бы назвать ещё FL.ru (когда-то это был бесспорно лучший вариант для новичков), но сейчас там без денег делать нечего. Практически все проекты (не большинство, а именно практически все) доступны минимум ПРО — статус же этот обходится почти в 1700 р./мес.

UPD. Добавлю, пожалуй, в список ещё kwork.ru — неплохая биржа, на мой взгляд. Только своеобразная, т.к. работа здесь ведётся не по объёму, как на других, а по кворкам с фиксированной ценой. Стандартный кворк стоит 500 р. — исходя из этого уже рассчитывается объём работы. Получение оплаты при оформлении заказа гарантировано, т.к. происходит через биржу. Но к заполнению профиля здесь нужно подходить очень тщательно: и данные заполнить, и кворки создать необходимые, и детали многие продумать. Правила сайта, конечно, позволяют всем этим не заниматься, только на получение заказов в таком случае не стоит рассчитывать.

Минусов пока нашёл только два: большая комиссия (20%) и всё те же фейковые проекты. Есть даже заказчики (их там называют покупателями), которые по 20-30 раз публикуют один и тот же проект, но при этом на предложения не отвечают и никого не выбирают.

«Какие биржи фриланса считаются лучшими?» – Яндекс.Кью

Что такое биржа — площадка, где фрилансер может найти работу, а работодатель — исполнителя. Биржи есть с бесплатной регистрацией, а есть с платной (PRO-аккаунты).

Расскажу о тех, что знаю и опробовал лично.

fl.ru — в России самая продвинутая, разрекламированная биржа. В то же время и самая удобная по интерфейсу и разнообразию заказов. Про-аккаунт от 1100 стоит сейчас. Есть два вида оплаты: договорная и безопасная сделка. Первая — договариваешься с клиентом и он платит вне сайта. Тут риск остаться ни с чем. Вторая — безопасная сделка (БС). При оплате БС деньги резервируются на сайте. Выполняешь задание, заказчик одобряет, ты получаешь деньги на аккаунт. Затем удобным способом их выводишь.

freelance.ru — 2-е место. Концепция схожая. Цена за акк меньше. Там есть два типа: бизнес и простой. Чтоб иметь доступ ко всем заказам — бизнес акк. Цена 400-1000р. Можно и без него отвечать на открытые заказы. Но их гораздо меньше и вероятность получить заказ минимальна.

kwork.ru — бесплатное пользование. Можно попробовать. Здесь все работы по фикс цене 500р. Из них получаешь 400 из них, 100 — комиссия сайту. Преимущество — нет договорных сделок, всё через сайт, защищено. Могу сказать, что я остался не в восторге от этой платформы. Заказов, на мой взгляд, там мало. Но с последнего моего визита прошло время. Могло измениться. В любом случае, сайт популярный в России и попробовать стоит.

work-zilla.com — похожа на кворк. Ну и я уже о ней упоминал ранее. Фикс цены нет, часто платят меньше, чем заплатили бы на других биржах. Но больше вероятность набрать заказов. Есть такие, которые можно сделать за пару часов и получить оплату. Сделки только безопасные. Аккаунт платный — 390р (если оплатить сразу после регистрации и прохождения лёгкого теста, потом 490р)

advego.ru — профильная биржа. С неё я начинал путь фрилансера. Но это не значит, что все должны за мной последовать. Позиционируют себя как биржа контента номер 1. Подходит для копирайтеров, рерайтеров, переводчиков. Здесь можно выставлять на продажу уже готовые свои тексты. Или брать задание и выполнять. Цены часто низкие из-за высокой конкуренции. Для новичка в самый раз, чтоб «набить руку». Сайт берёт 10% комиссию с заказа. Регистрация бесплатная.

text.ru — схож с адвего. Тоже достойная площадка, но из-за популярности цена также низкая, а конкуренция высокая.

etxt.ru — утверждать не стану, но много раз слышал, что на данный момент это самая популярная биржа среди копирайтеров. Регистрация бесплатная. На бирже можно купить/ продать статью. Меня смутил скудный выбор вывода средств. Он один — вебмани. Ну это не страшно. Просто к сведению.

В доступе порядка 100 бирж. Я перечислил те, которые сам опробовал. Есть ещё несколько молодых и не очень, о которых мне говорили и отзывались лестно:

Выберите для себя направление для работы и начинайте поиск заданий. Главное на фрилансе — опыт. Чем больше выполняете заданий, тем опытнее становитесь, тем проще получить новый заказ.

Бесплатная биржа фриланса, фриланс для всех

Бесплатная биржа фриланса, фриланс для всех



Вакансии (3420) Проекты (21728) 3D Графика/Анимация (10) Архитектура/Инжиниринг (4) Аудио/Видео (14) Веб программирование (21) Верстка (2337) Дизайн (997) Другое (3063) Консалтинг (2186) Менеджмент (2819) Мобильные приложения (18) Оптимизация (SEO) (10) Переводы (4) Программирование (18) Разработка сайтов (38) Реклама/Маркетинг (3224) Рерайт/Копирайт (1531) Рефераты, курсовые (34) Сопровождение сайтов (78) Социальные сети (2505) Тексты (2681) Фотография (11) Услуги фрилансеров (273) 90000 Top 25 Freelance Websites to Find Work in 2019 90001 90002 Using a freelance website is great for those searching for additional ways to earn extra money, those who simply enjoy the freedom of freelancing, and those who want to gain more development professionally. Millions of individuals are reaping the benefits of professional freelancing, just as the digital nomad lifestyle rises in popularity. Sure, you can pick up a guide on how to land great freelancing gigs, but it’s so much more than simply signing up on popular platforms.Whether you are working on location or remotely, there are options for anyone in almost any trade to find freelance work. Once you’ve established a good portfolio, there are some great websites that you can find work as a freelancer. Sometimes, the platform will even provide all of the tools that are needed to develop your portfolio so that clients are attracted to it. 90003 90002 90005 90003 90002 90003 90002 90010 90003 90002 Aimed at web projects for marketers, SEO specialists, and software engineers, People Per Hour works to streamline the process of freelancing by organizing communication and payments as well as job management.Freelancers can send 15 proposals to clients for free before they will need to sign up for a paid plan, but freelancers can browse jobs and get notified for new openings at no cost. It is worth checking out for those who are focused on completing any type of web focused project. 90003 90002 90015 90003 90002 This site boasts over 1.5 million clients, and there are jobs for every type of freelancer that you could imagine that last short term and long term. Work can be done as hourly or per project, and anyone whose skill level is entry level to expert can find something that fits their need.Because of the vast availability of work, it is likely that anyone can find work through this platform. When work is completed, funds are safely transferred from client to freelancer. 90003 90002 90020 90003 90002 On this platform, freelancers are able to find work in almost any field, making it ideal for anyone that is looking for extra work. Freelancers are able to find work in over 24 countries in 12 different languages. Whether you are a construction worker or a sales person, there will be a client for you.The website includes a blog with hiring tips as well a location-based search. 90003 90002 90025 90003 90002 Here, you will find the usual types of workers in the freelance world like editors, coders, and writers, but there are also freelance marketers. One unique thing about this platform is that freelancers are able to keep 100% of their earnings, unlike most of the other platforms whose fees and rates vary. 90003 90002 90030 90003 90002 This platform is aimed at college kids that are looking for a way to get more cash while they are in school.Students and recent graduates are able to find part-time gigs aimed at their industry of choice-some even get lucky and land a career. There are many types of jobs and clients to be found, so students should not fear a lack of options when they choose to take a freelance work route. 90003 90002 90035 90003 90002 Providing work around the globe for digital marketing and creative professionals, Aquent provides opportunities for freelancers to work remotely or on site, and for freelancers to find contract-to-hire jobs.There are free online courses that provide training in practical skills for freelancers to really hone in on their skills, or simply sharpen them. Search with keywords and a location, or simply browse all of the current job openings in your selected area. 90003 90002 90040 90003 90002 Part of a larger staffing agency, The Creative Group is aimed at job placement for freelance creative professionals in fields like art, marketing, copywriting, photography, and graphic design. Freelancers can find positions that are full time, contract to hire, and more-simply input the «freelance» filter in order to edit the search.90003 90002 90045 90003 90002 If you prefer academic writing, the way to go for you is Paperell. This platform connects students with writers depending on a field of study. That way, freelance writers with a degree can earn more, comparing to basic copywriting. The amount of offers freelancers receive bases on their reputation and experience. All offers have manager attached, so you are safe to do your job. 90003 90002 90050 90003 90002 Crowded brings together freelance job postings and the independent worker looking for them all to one area, solving the problem of supply and demand for jobs.This is great for freelancers, as they are able to browse the largest listing of jobs all in one place, thus clients get positions filled quickly. 90003 90002 90055 90003 90002 This sort of works in the opposite way that traditional platforms do. Freelancers create their own jobs based upon what they are good at, rather than companies posting jobs that freelancers can apply for. Freelancers are able to market their services to companies, and are able to put their gigs into categories by using keywords that show up in different searches.The names comes from the idea that the freelancers will start their prices at $ 5 per project. This is not a requirement, just the starting point for their prices. 90003 90002 90060 90003 90002 Browse through freelance and part-time work in a variety of career fields. All of the telecommuting jobs are screened, so that freelancers can feel confident that they are applying for a position at a legitimate company. Freelancers can also participate in skill tests, read up on tips for job searching, and members can get special discounts through partnering websites.Freelancers will have access to great resources like webinars, to learn how to land better clients. 90003 90002 90065 90003 90002 CrowSource has been called one of the largest freelance teams available. It specializes in content creation, editing, and monitoring for online retailers, media companies, and publishers. What is unique is that the platform breaks the large tasks up into smaller more manageable tasks. Freelancers who are deemed to be qualified are able to work on these tasks through the integrated platform.If a freelancer’s work is deemed to be good, they will receive a greater compensation and gain access to more work. 90003 90002 90070 90003 90002 There are a few different working options including both hourly work as well as contests. Users are able to browse through the jobs that are a match with their skill level, and then apply to their chosen openings. There are over a million projects that need freelancers at any given time, so this is a great place to show off your talents and work to attract future clients.90003 90002 90075 90003 90002 Show off your past work while being given access to new jobs every day. You will also be able to see how much a company has spent using Guru’s freelancer pool-helping to make a decision about whether or not the client will be a good match to your work. Choose jobs by location, category, or job type (hourly or fixed). 90003 90002 90080 90003 90002 This platform is aimed at those who are good with words-editors, writers, publishers, and bloggers alike. Each day it is updated with new jobs that range from writing about topics like photography, healthcare, and even recipes, to technical writing jobs.The array of projects is a great source for writers to try their hand at any type of writing. 90003 90002 90085 90003 90002 Using geolocation, freelancers are shown jobs in real time, and are only competing with other freelancers near their location for jobs posted by local companies. Choose to work in person or remotely, and instantly communicate with your potential clients. The client will fund the escrow account so the freelancer can begin work. Once the work has been satisfied, the funds are released to the freelancer.90003 90002 90090 90003 90002 Find freelance, full time, and part time work through Krop’s intuitive search functions. Freelancers of all experience levels are welcome to join this portfolio host and job board mixture. Creatives can create a profile and may use the website’s portfolio building tool to make it better. Krop has a hand in promoting the talents of individual creatives to the companies that are looking to add them to their team. Easily search through jobs, portfolios, and profiles.90003 90094 90095 18. Project4Hire 90096 90002 90098 90003 90002 This platform connects freelancers to clients all over the world. Freelancers apply to and quote jobs that have been posted by clients. Clients relay the project scope and requirements / skill set that is needed. Clients then select the client of their choice, and jobs can be anything from graphic design, programming, and even bookkeepers. 90003 90002 90103 90003 90002 This particular platform is made for freelance designers who compete in contests and then receive feedback as the client chooses the one that they like the best.It is a great way for designers to get their work seen and to build their portfolio. Hundreds of thousands of clients and freelancers have had successful contracts. The client is in charge of outlining everything about the project before any number of the millions of designers from all over the world choose to take part in the content. 90003 90002 90108 90003 90002 Not just a way to buy and sell old household items, this might be the hidden gem of finding freelance jobs. Browsing is easy, as you can look for work locally if you would prefer an office setting, or you can choose something out of your area if you would prefer to work remotely.Because anyone can post a listing, be mindful of researching the client as much as you can. Craigslist has a plethora of local freelance work, so safely meeting with the person face to face before the project starts is a good idea. 90003 90002 90113 90003 90002 Between 200 countries and over 420 million, LinkedIn is one of the most well-known resources for all things business related. Many professionals have their profiles available on the site, and it has recently dipped its toe into the freelance world with Profinder-aiding freelance professionals to find their next gig.Thanks the the large number of users, freelancers are quickly connected to other professionals in many different fields. 90003 90002 90118 90003 90002 This is a virtual marketplace for creatives that specialize in digital work. The interactive environment allows clients to give real time feedback that helps designers to better understand what the client is looking for. Freelance designers can create their portfolios to show off their work to potential clients. It holds contents that freelancers compete in by contributing to a client’s project.If their design is chosen, they will receive feedback and revision requests. 90003 90002 90123 90003 90002 Get connected with clients by receiving job requests from clients that are looking for someone with the skillset that you have. You are in charge of choosing the clients that you want to have a contract with. Once the client is interested, you set up the contract, communicate with them, send documents or files, and get your payment all through this platform. Remote helps freelancers to get reviews for completed jobs and build a great profile so that Remote will become your main resource for finding freelance work.90003 90002 90128 90003 90002 Freelancers apply for profiles on this platform to begin working. It is free to use, and there are no commission fees. The profile is free and the work is free-but you still get paid. Clients work directly with their talent regarding rates, payments, and contracts. Freelancers have total control. The profiles created with LocalSolo are easier on the eyes than a lot of other platforms, so your personal brand is more enticing. Freelancers have access to the job board and can apply for projects, contracts, and even full time jobs.90003 90002 90133 90003 90002 Toptal is mostly for freelancers that have a lot of work under their belt. There is a screening process that needs to be completed and passed in order to gain access to great clients with substantive projects along with competitive compensation. The community of Toptal freelancers holds unique technological events and community gatherings. Do know that Toptal only accepts the top 3% of applicants who are tested and interviewed, making their pool of talent highly valuable.We are proud affiliates of Toptal becuase of their stringent requirements for selecting freelance talent. 90003 90137 90002 Founder of DYNO Mapper and Advisory Committee Representative at the W3C. 90003 90095 Back .90000 50 Best Job Sites for Freelancers and Independent Professionals 90001 90002 Being a freelancer can be extremely advantageous and is probably a dream for many designers and developers who are tired of the cubicle lifestyle. Not only do you get to 90003 choose only the jobs you are interested in 90004, but you also have total flexibility in terms of 90003 time 90004, 90003 whom you want to work with 90004, and 90003 where you want to work 90004. 90011 90002 The problem now is where you can go to find work that will help you sustain your freelance lifestyle? To help you with this, we have listed the 90003 best 50 freelancing job sites to help you 90004 in your project search.If you a company or individual looking to outsource or hire a freelancer, these sites will be able to serve that purpose as well. 90011 30 Best Sites to Get Paid For Writing & Blogging 90016 30 Best Sites to Get Paid For Writing & Blogging 90017 90002 There was a time when writers used to struggle to make both ends meet. But that was back … Read more 90011 90016 Fiverr 90017 90002 Want to test the waters of freelancing? Give Fiverr a shot. Projects go for between $ 5 and $ 10, and this is a great place to gain some experience to add to your portfolio.90011 90024 90024 90016 Gun.io 90017 90002 Gun.io has been successfully delivering freelancers for companies like Amazon.com, Zappos and LonelyPlanet. To apply as a freelancer in Gun.io, you would need a Github account, filled with great codes and repositories, to be qualified. 90011 90030 90030 90016 90003 CrowdSPRING 90004 90017 90002 What makes crowdSPRING different is that instead of outbidding and competing with someone with a larger portfolio, how you approach a project and your level of creativity is what gets you that project.90011 90038 90038 90016 90003 Upwork 90004 90017 90002 The average budget size of a job here is around $ 5,000! It’s no wonder that this online marketplace is a great asset for both service providers and employers. 90011 90046 90046 90016 Toptal 90017 90002 Toptal is a hiring marketplace for developers of (almost) all programming languages; it provides «A» -level developers who truly skillful in their fields. You can apply as a freelance developer with the possibility of working with top tech companies or a cool startup.90011 90052 90052 90016 90003 99designs 90004 90017 90002 99Designs is where companies go to get their logos, banners and websites designed. Designers are awarded a pre-determined amount of money if their design is chosen. 90011 90060 90060 90016 Envato Studio 90017 90002 A house for creatives and developers of many fields to find freelance gigs from all over the world. Apply as a service providers and once you are accepted, you can name your price for your service. 90011 90066 90066 90016 StackOverflow Careers 90017 90002 StackOverflow is not only a solution-churning site, it also provides job listings of tech companies from all over the world.To apply for the job, you will need a Stack Career Accounts (you’ll need to be invited first). 90011 90072 90072 90016 Dribbble 90017 90002 Sign up for a Dribbble Pro account and show the «Hire me» button on your profile page or scour the job board for companies looking for freelancers. 90011 90078 90078 90016 90003 Behance Job 90004 90017 90002 Productivity and creativity go hand in hand at the job list section of this site. This exclusive site is known to convert creativity into lucrative services or products to promote unique ideas.90011 90086 90086 90016 WordPress 90017 90002 This is the official WordPress job board. Herein you can find some jobs surrounding the WordPress ecosystem such as plugin development, theme customization, or WordPress-site optimization. 90011 90092 90092 90016 LinkedIn 90017 90002 A site for every professional. Once you sign up for LinkedIn, you can start lookign for freelance jobs of your interest in the LinkedIn job board. 90011 90098 90098 90016 90003 Smashing Jobs 90004 90017 90002 A nice job portal to find programming and designing jobs, among many other job opportunities.90011 90106 90106 90016 90003 Guru 90004 90017 90002 Here’s another spot to find the industry’s offering of professionals from all over the world. The Escrow payment gives this site an edge over many other freelancing sites. 90011 90114 90114 90016 90003 Krop 90004 90017 90002 Krop is a job board and career resource website for creative professionals. Whether you’re looking for job, or hunting top-notch talent, Krop’s simple and powerful tools are geared towards connecting the worlds brightest minds with the best companies.90011 90122 90122 90016 90003 Coroflot 90004 90017 90002 Coroflot is an employment site for creative professionals: design firms post job openings and designers post portfolios — Coroflot makes the connection. 90011 90130 90130 90016 90003 Problogger Jobs 90004 90017 90002 Blogging enthusiasts and professional bloggers who wish to explore the income potential of this fun-filled hobby of ‘blogging,’ will like this site. The job section of this blog can land you with a few blogging jobs.90011 90138 90138 90016 90003 Dice 90004 90017 90002 Dice is a job search engine dedicated to only finding technology jobs. It offers a targeted niche space for finding the exact technology position you might be looking for. 90011 90146 90146 90016 WPHired 90017 90002 WordPress developers can find big opportunities in WPHired for a WordPress-related project, as a freelance, an intern or a full-time position. 90011 90152 90152 90016 WeWorkRemotely 90017 90002 As the name suggests, this is a site where you can find jobs which you can do from the comforts of your home, or wherever you like.Jobs range from design to programming and development to executive positions. 90011 90158 90158 90016 LocalSolo 90017 90002 LocalSolo is a site to find local freelancers in many countries from a wide range of expertise including design, engineering, copywriting, photography, and even analyst. You can sign-up as a freelancer or an employer for free. 90011 90164 90164 90016 OnSite 90017 90002 OnSite is a place where designers, developers, and copywriters can find many opportunities for freelance jobs.Applicants are carefully curated. Once accepted, freelancers can show off their portfolios, set the price rate, and manage their availability. 90011 90170 90170 90016 YunoJuno 90017 90002 Another great site to find freelance gigs, YunoJuno connects freelancers with employers, and also provides tools for generating contracts and invoicing. 90011 90176 90176 90016 Crowdsite 90017 90002 On top of the design contests to try out, if you are an established designer or developer, you can also negotiate for a private project with clients on Crowdsite.90011 90182 90182 90016 Lorem 90017 90002 Quickly emerging as a powerful platform to get well-paying short-term freelance jobs related to designing, building and fixing websites. The payment ranges between $ 25 and $ 250 for freelance projects, however, you do go through a strict selection process in order to get accepted. 90011 90188 90188 90016 Joomlancers 90017 90002 In contrast with Lorem, Joomlancer has a simple sign up process after which you can start bidding for different freelance jobs related to web development.The only catch is that they focus on mostly intermediate to advanced-level software projects which makes it a bit challenging for beginners to find a gig through this site. 90011 90194 90194 90016 90003 Sologig 90004 90017 90002 Bridging the gap between experienced employees and qualified employers, this site is known to have the best talent in varied industries. You can seek both part-time and full-time contracts as well as consulting opportunities. 90011 90202 90202 90016 90003 Authentic Jobs 90004 90017 90002 Creative and web professionals can seek reputable full-time and freelance opportunities here and get associated with well-known names in major industries like Sony BMG, HBO, HP, Facebook and many more.90011 90210 90210 90016 90003 People per hour 90004 90017 90002 Based on the simple bidding system, you can hire efficient freelancers here and enjoy the on-demand flexibility while saving money at the same time. Marketing, legal, accounting, writing, programming are some of the most common industry types covered by this site. 90011 90218 90218 90016 90003 DesignCrowd 90004 90017 90002 DesignCrowd is a graphic design marketplace that gives creative people opportunities. Businesses can post requirements or request quotes for logo design, business card design, advertising artwork and website design.90011 90226 90226 90016 90003 Simply Hired 90004 90017 90002 This online job portal allows you to find all kinds of jobs, whether freelance or full-time, based on your location, skills and experience in the field. 90011 90234 90234 90016 TheShelf 90017 90002 TheShelf is a site where bloggers and freelance writers, covering fashion, lifestyle, food, and travel, connect and collaborate with brands to reach the right audience. 90011 90240 90240 90016 Working Nomads 90017 90002 Working nomads are freelancers who travel from city to city, coutnry to country, and still working their jobs as they travel.They find remote jobs on site like this. Job categories include Design, Development, and even Management. 90011 90246 90246 90016 Bark 90017 90002 bark is a marketplace for almost any kind of work field from painter to photographer to party caterer. A great site for regular people to find local professionals. If you are a Pro, sign up. 90011 90252 90252 90016 AirPair 90017 90002 AirPair is a community site where developers meet other developers to seek advice and mentorship by sharing their experiences.It is not a freelancing job site but having a good network may help you land a job or possibly a career down the road. 90011 90258 90258 90016 SolidGigs 90017 90002 SolidGigs takes the hassle out of project searching for freelancers. Out of thousands of job ops, it filters out the ones that go best with your profile. You get a weekly gig list with only the very best of all jobs available so you can focus on your productivity instead of looking for quality work. 90011 90002 What I like most about SolidGigs is that you can have access to an enormous resource library with courses, interviews, templates, scripts, and other tools to help you land more freelance projects, negotiate your rates, pitch quality clients, and grow your freelance business.90011 90266 90266 90016 Cloud Peeps 90017 90002 For the freelancers who have gained considerable experience in their field and are looking for high profile clients, then CloudPeeps may be for you. Due to the exclusive nature of the platform, it gets a bit hard to join but once you do, there is an array of quality projects waiting for you. 90011 90272 90272 90016 Indeed 90017 90002 Indeed is an intuitive platform that curates all the jobs on the interwebs that you can search on the basis of keyword or location.The platform is particularly famous for searching remote jobs. Best of all, ità ¢   s free! 90011 90278 90278 90016 College Recruiter 90017 90002 College Recruiter is a job site created for students and recent graduates. You can enter your degree, majors, or any other keywords and the region in which you want to search the job and you get a list of different freelance or part-time jobs on the beginner level to help you gain experience and contacts for future work . 90011 90284 90284 90016 ServiceScape 90017 90002 ServiceScape offers a global platform for freelancers that gives them access to more than 86,000 clients and numerous projects.You can find freelance jobs on a range of subjects with an emphasis on graphic design, writing, editing, and translating. 90011 90290 90290 90016 Nexxt 90017 90002 A unique job search website that offers you to search freelance gigs on the basis of career, locality, diversity (a more inclusive work environment for everyone), and globalism. This system of categorization allows you to try different freelance jobs and see which one would suit your career path. 90011 90296 90296 90016 Hireable 90017 90002 A platform to find freelance jobs outside the USA and Europe, Hireable lists equal opportunity employments for its users.With a simple interface, the site sends you job alerts and recommendations. You can also see your saved jobs and all the jobs you applied for. 90011 90302 90302 90016 FreeeUp 90017 90002 FreeeUp is a platform for high-quality remote freelancers to connect with equality high-quality clientele. In order to get on their panel, you have to go through an extensive vetting process. The site focuses mainly on freelance jobs from the field of e-commerce, digital marketing, and virtual assistance, etc.90011 90308 90308 90016 Angel List 90017 90002 If you want to work for a budding start-up as a freelance designer, then Angel List would work wonderfully for you. Different start-ups from all over the globe look for talented individuals on this platform so you can also get picked depending on your design talents. 90011 90314.90000 68 Best Freelance Job Sites for Getting Clients in 2020 90001 Skip to content 90002 90003 90004 90005 90006 Start here 90007 90006 Top Tools 90007 90006 Get clients 90007 90006 Podcast 90007 90006 Free stuff 90007 90016 90005 90006 Get Freelance Jobs 90007 90006 Get Freelance Clients 90007 90006 Start Freelancing 90007 90016 By Connor Gillivan | Last updated 90025 90026 May 31, 2019 90027 90028 June 26, 2020 90027 90030 Table of Contents + Here are the best freelance job sites you’ll find work on 1.Flexjobs. 2. SolidGigs. 3. Fiverr. 4. FreeUp. 5. Upwork. 6. GURU. 7. Toptal. 8. People per Hour. 9. SimplyHired. 10. iFreelance. 11. Aquent. 12. The Creative Group. 13. DesignContest 14. Crowded. 15. Crowdsource. 16. Freelancer. 17. Freelance Writing Gigs. 18. Krop. 19. Contena. 20. 99designs. 21. Craigslist. 22. LinkedIn Profinder. 23. Design Hill. 24. Remote. 25. Local Solo. 26. Writers Work. 27. ServiceScape. 28.Remote.co. 29. Angel.co. 30. Smashing Jobs. 31. Digital Freelancer. 32. Indeed. .

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