Суббота , 15 Март 2025

Франшиза онлайн школы: Франшизы обучения и образования

Франшизы обучения, образования, детских садов и школ

Категория Специализированные магазины Услуги бизнесу (B2B) Сервис для населения Общественное питание Торговля: одежда и белье Производство и строительство Идеи для малого бизнеса Товары для детей Фаст-Фуд и Бургерные Услуги: образование и обучение Финансовые услуги Реклама, СМИ, IT, Интернет Развлечения и туризм ЗОО: товары и услуги Услуги: красота Услуги: медицина и здоровье АВТО Спорт: товары и услуги Вендинг Торговля: обувь и аксессуары Товары для дома Продуктовые франшизы

Подкатегория Все подкатегории

Услуги: образование и обучение

В категории представлены франшизы частных садов, развивающих центров, франшизы специализированных школ и услуг для детей, франшизы по подготовке к экзаменам. Большой интерес вызывают франшизы языковых курсов и подготовка к ЕГЭ. Востребованный и стабильный сегмент франчайзинга. Детский центр или сад по франшизе запустить проще при поддержке опытного франчайзера. Развивающие и образовательные детские программы и ценры востребованы среди населения маленьких и больших городов. Бизнес по франчайзингу с предоставлением услуг по обучению дошкольников прибыльный, не требует крупных денежных и временных инвестиций. В каталоге удобно сравнить условия по франшизам (первоначальный взнос, роялти, общие инвестиции), изучить каждое предложение отдельно. Связаться напрямую с представителями компаний можно на каждой странице: достаточно заполнить заявку и получить в ответ коммерческое предложение.

Найдено 25 франшиз

федеральная сеть центров по подготовке к ЕГЭ и ОГЭ


от ₽ 200 000

франшиза школы детского плавания


от ₽ 70 000

франшиза международной школы программирования для детей


от ₽ 350 000

детский федеральный шоу-проект


от ₽ 70 000

франшиза школы скорочтения, развития интеллекта и памяти


от ₽ 125 000

международная школа программирования для детей от 5 до 17 лет


от ₽ 600 000

крупнейшая в России франчайзинговая сеть школ математики и программирования для детей от 5 до 17 лет


от ₽ 600 000

детский языковой клуб для дошкольников, школьников и взрослых


от ₽ 229 000

франшиза детского языкового центра


от ₽ 500 000

франшиза центра развития интеллектуальных и творческих способностей


от ₽ 230 000

новый лидер рынка школ программирования для детей от 6 до 14 лет в РФ! Уникальная технология асинхронного развития детей не имеющая аналогов.


от ₽ 150 000

франшиза Универсальная Электронная Школьная Карта


от ₽ 300 000

франшиза школы программирования и цифрового творчества


от ₽ 150 000

международная сеть детских центров развития интеллекта


от ₽ 250 000

франшиза образования за рубежом


от ₽ 3 000

международная школа развития интеллекта. Запатентованные методики обучения детей от 6 до 17 лет в одной франшизе!


от ₽ 300 000

франшиза детской бизнес-школы


от ₽ 200 000

стабильный и социально значимый бизнес, современные технологии и методика, проверенная временем


от ₽ 1 290 000

франшиза частного детского сада


от ₽ 760 000

франшиза инновационной школы развития памяти и скорочтения


от ₽ 10 000

франшиза школы английского языка


от ₽ 1 600 000

франшиза английского детского сада


от ₽ 4 000 000

Все новости RSS

Новости франчайзинга

Франшизы обучения, образования, детских садов и школ

Категория Специализированные магазины Услуги бизнесу (B2B) Сервис для населения Общественное питание Торговля: одежда и белье Производство и строительство Идеи для малого бизнеса Товары для детей Фаст-Фуд и Бургерные Услуги: образование и обучение Финансовые услуги Реклама, СМИ, IT, Интернет Развлечения и туризм ЗОО: товары и услуги Услуги: красота Услуги: медицина и здоровье АВТО Спорт: товары и услуги Вендинг Торговля: обувь и аксессуары Товары для дома Продуктовые франшизы

Подкатегория Все подкатегории

Услуги: образование и обучение

В категории представлены франшизы частных садов, развивающих центров, франшизы специализированных школ и услуг для детей, франшизы по подготовке к экзаменам. Большой интерес вызывают франшизы языковых курсов и подготовка к ЕГЭ. Востребованный и стабильный сегмент франчайзинга. Детский центр или сад по франшизе запустить проще при поддержке опытного франчайзера. Развивающие и образовательные детские программы и ценры востребованы среди населения маленьких и больших городов. Бизнес по франчайзингу с предоставлением услуг по обучению дошкольников прибыльный, не требует крупных денежных и временных инвестиций. В каталоге удобно сравнить условия по франшизам (первоначальный взнос, роялти, общие инвестиции), изучить каждое предложение отдельно. Связаться напрямую с представителями компаний можно на каждой странице: достаточно заполнить заявку и получить в ответ коммерческое предложение.

Найдено 25 франшиз

федеральная сеть центров по подготовке к ЕГЭ и ОГЭ


от ₽ 200 000

франшиза школы детского плавания


от ₽ 70 000

франшиза международной школы программирования для детей


от ₽ 350 000

детский федеральный шоу-проект


от ₽ 70 000

франшиза школы скорочтения, развития интеллекта и памяти


от ₽ 125 000

международная школа программирования для детей от 5 до 17 лет


от ₽ 600 000

крупнейшая в России франчайзинговая сеть школ математики и программирования для детей от 5 до 17 лет


от ₽ 600 000

детский языковой клуб для дошкольников, школьников и взрослых


от ₽ 229 000

франшиза детского языкового центра


от ₽ 500 000

франшиза центра развития интеллектуальных и творческих способностей


от ₽ 230 000

новый лидер рынка школ программирования для детей от 6 до 14 лет в РФ! Уникальная технология асинхронного развития детей не имеющая аналогов.


от ₽ 150 000

франшиза Универсальная Электронная Школьная Карта


от ₽ 300 000

франшиза школы программирования и цифрового творчества


от ₽ 150 000

международная сеть детских центров развития интеллекта


от ₽ 250 000

франшиза образования за рубежом


от ₽ 3 000

международная школа развития интеллекта. Запатентованные методики обучения детей от 6 до 17 лет в одной франшизе!


от ₽ 300 000

франшиза детской бизнес-школы


от ₽ 200 000

стабильный и социально значимый бизнес, современные технологии и методика, проверенная временем


от ₽ 1 290 000

франшиза частного детского сада


от ₽ 760 000

франшиза инновационной школы развития памяти и скорочтения


от ₽ 10 000

франшиза школы английского языка


от ₽ 1 600 000

франшиза английского детского сада


от ₽ 4 000 000

Все новости RSS

Новости франчайзинга

Франшизы обучения, образования, детских садов и школ

Категория Специализированные магазины Услуги бизнесу (B2B) Сервис для населения Общественное питание Торговля: одежда и белье Производство и строительство Идеи для малого бизнеса Товары для детей Фаст-Фуд и Бургерные Услуги: образование и обучение Финансовые услуги Реклама, СМИ, IT, Интернет Развлечения и туризм ЗОО: товары и услуги Услуги: красота Услуги: медицина и здоровье АВТО Спорт: товары и услуги Вендинг Торговля: обувь и аксессуары Товары для дома Продуктовые франшизы

Подкатегория Все подкатегории

Услуги: образование и обучение

В категории представлены франшизы частных садов, развивающих центров, франшизы специализированных школ и услуг для детей, франшизы по подготовке к экзаменам. Большой интерес вызывают франшизы языковых курсов и подготовка к ЕГЭ. Востребованный и стабильный сегмент франчайзинга. Детский центр или сад по франшизе запустить проще при поддержке опытного франчайзера. Развивающие и образовательные детские программы и ценры востребованы среди населения маленьких и больших городов. Бизнес по франчайзингу с предоставлением услуг по обучению дошкольников прибыльный, не требует крупных денежных и временных инвестиций. В каталоге удобно сравнить условия по франшизам (первоначальный взнос, роялти, общие инвестиции), изучить каждое предложение отдельно. Связаться напрямую с представителями компаний можно на каждой странице: достаточно заполнить заявку и получить в ответ коммерческое предложение.

Найдено 20 франшиз

федеральная сеть центров по подготовке к ЕГЭ и ОГЭ


от ₽ 200 000

франшиза школы детского плавания


от ₽ 70 000

франшиза международной школы программирования для детей


от ₽ 350 000

детский федеральный шоу-проект


от ₽ 70 000

франшиза школы скорочтения, развития интеллекта и памяти


от ₽ 125 000

крупнейшая в России франчайзинговая сеть школ математики и программирования для детей от 5 до 17 лет


от ₽ 600 000

франшиза центра развития интеллектуальных и творческих способностей


от ₽ 230 000

новый лидер рынка школ программирования для детей от 6 до 14 лет в РФ! Уникальная технология асинхронного развития детей не имеющая аналогов.


от ₽ 150 000

франшиза школы программирования и цифрового творчества


от ₽ 150 000

франшиза образования за рубежом


от ₽ 3 000

международная школа развития интеллекта. Запатентованные методики обучения детей от 6 до 17 лет в одной франшизе!


от ₽ 300 000

франшиза детской бизнес-школы


от ₽ 200 000

стабильный и социально значимый бизнес, современные технологии и методика, проверенная временем


от ₽ 1 290 000

франшиза частного детского сада


от ₽ 760 000

франшиза инновационной школы развития памяти и скорочтения


от ₽ 10 000

франшиза школы английского языка


от ₽ 1 600 000

франшиза английского детского сада


от ₽ 4 000 000

франшиза развивающего Центра, Студии или Кабинета для детей от 1 года до 7 лет


от ₽ 300 000

уникальная франшиза: мастер-классы по росписи имбирного печенья в формате школьного урока


от ₽ 175 000

сеть детских игровых развивающих комнат


от ₽ 1 500 000

Все новости RSS

Новости франчайзинга

Франшизы обучения, образования, детских садов и школ

Категория Специализированные магазины Услуги бизнесу (B2B) Сервис для населения Общественное питание Торговля: одежда и белье Производство и строительство Идеи для малого бизнеса Товары для детей Фаст-Фуд и Бургерные Услуги: образование и обучение Финансовые услуги Реклама, СМИ, IT, Интернет Развлечения и туризм ЗОО: товары и услуги Услуги: красота Услуги: медицина и здоровье АВТО Спорт: товары и услуги Вендинг Торговля: обувь и аксессуары Товары для дома Продуктовые франшизы

Подкатегория Все подкатегории

Услуги: образование и обучение

В категории представлены франшизы частных садов, развивающих центров, франшизы специализированных школ и услуг для детей, франшизы по подготовке к экзаменам. Большой интерес вызывают франшизы языковых курсов и подготовка к ЕГЭ. Востребованный и стабильный сегмент франчайзинга. Детский центр или сад по франшизе запустить проще при поддержке опытного франчайзера. Развивающие и образовательные детские программы и ценры востребованы среди населения маленьких и больших городов. Бизнес по франчайзингу с предоставлением услуг по обучению дошкольников прибыльный, не требует крупных денежных и временных инвестиций. В каталоге удобно сравнить условия по франшизам (первоначальный взнос, роялти, общие инвестиции), изучить каждое предложение отдельно. Связаться напрямую с представителями компаний можно на каждой странице: достаточно заполнить заявку и получить в ответ коммерческое предложение.

Найдено 14 франшиз

федеральная сеть центров по подготовке к ЕГЭ и ОГЭ


от ₽ 200 000

франшиза школы детского плавания


от ₽ 70 000

франшиза международной школы программирования для детей


от ₽ 350 000

детский федеральный шоу-проект


от ₽ 70 000

франшиза школы скорочтения, развития интеллекта и памяти


от ₽ 125 000

франшиза центра развития интеллектуальных и творческих способностей


от ₽ 230 000

новый лидер рынка школ программирования для детей от 6 до 14 лет в РФ! Уникальная технология асинхронного развития детей не имеющая аналогов.


от ₽ 150 000

франшиза школы программирования и цифрового творчества


от ₽ 150 000

франшиза образования за рубежом


от ₽ 3 000

международная школа развития интеллекта. Запатентованные методики обучения детей от 6 до 17 лет в одной франшизе!


от ₽ 300 000

франшиза детской бизнес-школы


от ₽ 200 000

франшиза инновационной школы развития памяти и скорочтения


от ₽ 10 000

франшиза развивающего Центра, Студии или Кабинета для детей от 1 года до 7 лет


от ₽ 300 000

уникальная франшиза: мастер-классы по росписи имбирного печенья в формате школьного урока


от ₽ 175 000

Все новости RSS

Новости франчайзинга

Франшизы обучения, образования, детских садов и школ

Категория Специализированные магазины Услуги бизнесу (B2B) Сервис для населения Общественное питание Торговля: одежда и белье Производство и строительство Идеи для малого бизнеса Товары для детей Фаст-Фуд и Бургерные Услуги: образование и обучение Финансовые услуги Реклама, СМИ, IT, Интернет Развлечения и туризм ЗОО: товары и услуги Услуги: красота Услуги: медицина и здоровье АВТО Спорт: товары и услуги Вендинг Торговля: обувь и аксессуары Товары для дома Продуктовые франшизы

Подкатегория Все подкатегории

Услуги: образование и обучение

В категории представлены франшизы частных садов, развивающих центров, франшизы специализированных школ и услуг для детей, франшизы по подготовке к экзаменам. Большой интерес вызывают франшизы языковых курсов и подготовка к ЕГЭ. Востребованный и стабильный сегмент франчайзинга. Детский центр или сад по франшизе запустить проще при поддержке опытного франчайзера. Развивающие и образовательные детские программы и ценры востребованы среди населения маленьких и больших городов. Бизнес по франчайзингу с предоставлением услуг по обучению дошкольников прибыльный, не требует крупных денежных и временных инвестиций. В каталоге удобно сравнить условия по франшизам (первоначальный взнос, роялти, общие инвестиции), изучить каждое предложение отдельно. Связаться напрямую с представителями компаний можно на каждой странице: достаточно заполнить заявку и получить в ответ коммерческое предложение.

Найдено 25 франшиз

федеральная сеть центров по подготовке к ЕГЭ и ОГЭ


от ₽ 200 000

франшиза школы детского плавания


от ₽ 70 000

франшиза развивающего Центра, Студии или Кабинета для детей от 1 года до 7 лет


от ₽ 300 000

уникальная франшиза: мастер-классы по росписи имбирного печенья в формате школьного урока


от ₽ 175 000

сеть детских игровых развивающих комнат


от ₽ 1 500 000

Все новости RSS

Новости франчайзинга

Франшизы обучения, образования, детских садов и школ

Категория Специализированные магазины Услуги бизнесу (B2B) Сервис для населения Общественное питание Торговля: одежда и белье Производство и строительство Идеи для малого бизнеса Товары для детей Фаст-Фуд и Бургерные Услуги: образование и обучение Финансовые услуги Реклама, СМИ, IT, Интернет Развлечения и туризм ЗОО: товары и услуги Услуги: красота Услуги: медицина и здоровье АВТО Спорт: товары и услуги Вендинг Торговля: обувь и аксессуары Товары для дома Продуктовые франшизы

Подкатегория Все подкатегории

Услуги: образование и обучение

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франшиза международной школы программирования для детей


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90000 Private School Franchise Opportunities Guide 90001 90002 Private school franchises offer a unique method of educating students that is not found in most public education systems. Many private school franchises provide one-on-one instruction in specialized subjects or focus on strengthening specific, core skills, such as reading, writing and arithmetic. 90003 90002 Offering specialized attention and focusing on core competency are attractive options for parents that want their children to have the best possible chance at the career of their dreams.The popularity of these private school franchises has created additional business opportunities. Franchising.com is your comprehensive list of private school franchises for sale. 90003 90002 Franchising.com provides the most comprehensive list of private school franchise opportunities and additional information that informs your decision making process. That includes original articles on franchising basics, up-to-date listings of more than 2,600 franchising opportunities and the latest news regarding many franchise industries.90003 90002 Review all the franchises for sale at Franchising.com, including other exciting education franchises specializing in driving lessons, kindergarten, music lessons, test preparation and much more. Decide which education franchises you would like to learn more about, and if private school franchises make that list, simply choose from your options below and submit your request for more information. 90003 90010 Franchise Businesses 90011 90012 90013 Abacus Nachhilfeinstitut 90014 Private Tuition Institute, individual coaching at home.90014 90016 90013 Brain Balance Achievement Centers 90014 Brain Balance Achievement Centers offer a personalized, drug-free program designed to improve focus, behavior, social skills, anxiety and academic performance. 90014 90016 90013 Bricks 4 Kidz 90014 BRICKS 4 KIDZ programs provide an extraordinary atmosphere for students to build unique creations, play games, and have loads of fun using LEGO (R) bricks. 90014 90016 90013 CEFA Early Learning Schools 90014 CEFA Early Learning Schools full day early learning program is designed for infants and children up to five years old.90014 90016 90013 Cranium Academy 90014 Cranium Academy, founded in 2004 in Orlando, FL, is an innovative franchised private school, which originally began as a learning center providing tutoring and critical thinking / logic classes. 90014 90016 90013 Discovery Point Child Development Centers® 90014 With almost 50 locations throughout the Southeast, Discovery Point Child Development Centers® provides safe, educational and nurturing environments for growing children. 90014 90016 90013 Lightbridge Academy 90014 Lightbridge Academy provides early education and child care to children ages six weeks through kindergarten, as well as special programming for children up to 10 years old during school holidays, breaks and summer camp.90014 90016 90013 MathRiders 90014 MathRiders was developed by the Helen Doron Educational Group, operating exclusive Early English and Maths Learning Centres in over 24 countries worldwide. 90014 90016 90013 New Horizons Computer Learning Centers 90014 Computer training and certifications offered through New Horizons computer learning centers. 90014 90016 90013 School of Rock 90014 The music school your mom and dad wished they had when they were kids, School of Rock is an ingenious concept that gets kids and adults rocking out and performing with their peers 90014 90012 90013 Location: 90054 90016 90013 Industry: Art 90016 90058 90016 90058 .90000 Drivers Education Franchise | 911DrivingSchool.com 90001 90002 Proven Success 90003 90004 Currently operating in 6 states with a 50 state online presence, 911 Driving Schools ‘potential has been demonstrated by our loyal following. Our first school opened in Puyallup, Washington in 2005 and our most recent in Lake Mary, Florida. Our student base is rapidly expanding and has recently reached over 100, 000 successfully trained students nation wide. With new schools available, here’s the opportunity to set your course for success.90005 90004 90005 90002 Customer Demand for Services 90003 90004 911 Driving School owners are experiencing, on average, over a 20% annual growth rate year over year. We believe this growth rate is explained by several factors but two stand out. First, we constantly are receiving repeat business from families that had one child attend a 911 Driving School and now a second is ready for their training. Second, our word of mouth referrals are very strong from past and current students to other who are looking and ready to attend their first driver education course.90005 90004 90005 90002 High Value Products for Revenue Growth 90003 90004 911 Driving Schools offer a variety of driver education courses, including New Teen Driving Courses, Adult First Time License and Refresher Courses, Teen and Adults Private Coaching Sessions, Teen and Adult Skill Enhancement Courses , Teen and Adult Online Practice Examinations, Corporate Fleet Training Programs and Specialized Law Enforcement Driver Training / Refresher Courses. 90005 90004 You can open your location in the next 6-8 months, below is how to get started today on your way of operating a 911 Driving School.90005 90004 90005 90002 Complete Your Application 90003 90004 Start the process today by clicking the «Request Information» tab above to submit an application. A 911 Driving School representative will review and respond to your submitted application. 90005 90004 90005 90002 Choose Your Territory 90003 90004 A 911 Driving School representative will assist you in selecting the best territory to fit you individual and business needs. 911 Driving School will provide social and demographic information on each area that you choose so you can have data to support your decision.90005 90004 90005 90002 Attend Our Discovery Day 90003 90004 Once 911 Driving Schools and you have decided that there may be a good fit, attend one of our Discovery Days. During the Discovery Day, you will have the opportunity to explore the 911 Driving School opportunity up close, meet several of the company’s key executives and receive a copy of our Franchise Disclosure Document. 90005 90004 90005 90002 Sign Your Franchise Agreement 90003 90004 Upon mutual approval to move forward as a new 911 Driving School owner, you will sign a franchise agreement.We will then provide a list of recommended lenders to help fund your entrepreneurial dreams. 90005 90004 90005 90002 Select and Build Out Your School Location 90003 90004 Finding a premier location for your school (s) is essential for success. With help from a member of our real estate team, an authorized broker or your designated 911 Driving School representative, we help you identify the best location for your school and offer lease negotiation guidance. 90005 90004 With the help of your designated 911 Driving School representative, the build-out process begins, including site plan and design specifications.Your 911 Driving School representative will assist with any build-out / design questions you may have. Together, you’ll make an on-site visit with your licensed contractor to review progress. 90005 90004 90005 90002 State Licensing, Staff Training 90003 90004 911 Driving Schools operational staff will assist you in obtaining the proper license required to operate a driving school in your location. Our proven training process includes a structured program at our Puyallup, Washington Driving School and your school location.The training will cover all aspects of the business as an owner / operator, administrative support and driver-training specialist. 90005 90004 90005 90002 Grand Opening / School Launch 90003 90004 Your grand opening kit will include a marketing manual with specific examples of successful local school marketing initiatives that you can tailor as needed to your community. Throughout the entire opening process you will be in constant contact with your designated 911 Driving School representative.Together we’ll work through a checklist from the time you sign your franchise agreement to the time you open your doors to your first customers. In the 911 Driving School’s family, you will never be alone. 90005 90004 90005 90002 Now is the RIGHT Time and OPPORTUNITY to «Make a Difference» 90003 90004 When you can offer your community an honest value and simple goodness in a growing category, it becomes much more than just an investment; you start the process of «Changing Lives». 90005 90004 90005 90072 General 90073 90074 90002 Can I open more than one store? 90003 90004 Yes.We encourage franchisees that are qualified to open multiple locations. Based on your application and financial information, you may be eligible to purchase more than one 911 Driving School franchise up front and at a discounted rate. Alternatively, you may want to purchase a franchise, become familiar with the business, and then purchase your second or third franchise. In addition, we have a second driving school brand called Swerve Driving School. This allows our franchisees a multi brand opportunity.90005 90004 90005 90002 Do I still get the discounted rate if I open additional locations later? 90003 90004 Yes, if a franchise agreement is signed within 6 months of the original locations agreement, you will be able to take advantage of our multi-location discount. 90005 90004 90005 90002 What time of day is 911 Driving School open for business? 90003 90004 Every location has different operating hours based on many variables. The most common hours are 11a -9p. 90005 90004 90005 90002 How much time do I need to spend at my school? 90003 90004 We highly encourage a hands-on approach in the ramp-up and development of your driving school.Customer service and a great attitude are major factors and should not be taken for granted. As you develop your business and hire reliable managers, we still encourage your participation during peak business times. 90005 90004 90005 90002 Does 911 Driving School encourage applications from non-law enforcement, women and minority owner / operators? 90003 90004 Absolutely, yes. 90005 90004 90005 90072 Financials 90073 90074 90002 How much money do I need to get started? 90003 90004 The initial franchise fee for your first franchise ranges from $ 17, 500 to $ 40, 000.The initial franchise fee for multiple units may be discounted for additional franchises based on certain conditions and criteria. Please contact us to discuss the estimated initial investment for a typical 911 Driving School. 90005 90004 90005 90002 What do I need to have to qualify financially? 90003 90004 To purchase a 911 Driving School franchise, you will be required liquid capital of $ 50-100K. 90005 90004 90005 90002 If I do not meet the financial or operational criteria to become a franchisee, can I partner with someone who does? 90003 90004 Yes you can.As long as your partner owns at least 50% of your organization, this is fine. 90005 90004 90005 90002 Do you help me secure financing? 90003 90004 911 Driving School does offer financing options. In addition, we have a broad list of recommended lenders we can share with candidates. 90005 90004 90005 90002 Is there a continuing royalty fee? 90003 90004 The continuing royalty is 6% of gross sales, excluding sales tax. 90005 90004 90005 90002 Is there an advertising fee and what does that cover? 90003 90004 Currently the advertising fees are 1% of gross sales.The entire fee goes towards National Marketing. Your 911 Driving School representative will be able to give you more specifics. 90005 90004 90005 90072 Training 90073 90074 90002 How many people attend training? 90003 90004 Up to 5 people are included in the training process as part of the initial franchise fee. Additional staff may attend for a fee. 90005 90004 90005 90072 Marketing 90073 90074 90002 What is my marketing support? How do I build sales? 90003 90004 Building sales takes effort on many different levels — from running your business through strong operations to local school marketing to most importantly, ensuring that you give every guest a reason to return.The 911 Driving School’s marketing team will assist you by creating national marketing initiatives and advertising to help build awareness and trial. Of course, operating a school that delights customers and interacts well with the community is also critical for word-of-mouth and repeat business. 90005 90004 90005 90072 Real Estate 90073 90074 90002 What are the best locations for a new 911 Driving School? 90003 90004 911 Driving School appeals to many different demographic groups through out the US.An appealing, accessible location is always critical. We will help you analyze potential buildings and locations based on our real estate brokers years of experience in this category. Our brokers will assist in negotiating an agreement that will set you up for potential success. Your own observations of what has succeeded and what has not in your target markets are also invaluable. 90005 90004 90005 90002 Who signs the lease? 90003 90004 You, the franchisee, will sign the lease. 90005 90004 90005 90002 What is the average size of a 911 Driving School location? 90003 90004 The average traditional in-line store is between 1, 400 and 2, 000 sq.ft. 90005 90004 90005 90002 Who designs and builds the store? 90003 90004 You will be provided with 911 Driving School template design plans and we will assist you in securing an architect and engineer, as well as identifying approved subcontractors. 90186 90005 90186 When you join the 911 Driving School family, our committed team approach ensures that you will never be alone. All franchise owners receive initial and ongoing training, as well as support from 911 corporate Vice President of Operations, Vice President of Finance and associated teams, the National Franchisee Advisory Council (FAC).90072 Vice President of Operations 90073 90004 The Vice President of Operations and team work exclusively with franchisees to help with new store construction / facilitation, field training, systems support and most any other support needed for successful operations of your driving school. 90005 90004 90005 90072 Vice President of Finance 90073 90004 The Vice President of Finance will assist you in the following activities; Initial accounting software set up and ongoing support, general ledger set up, payment processor set up, initial budgeting and any other financial related questions that you may encounter.90005 90004 90005 90072 National Franchise Advisory Council (FAC) 90073 90004 The FAC, made up of franchise owners nationwide, helps all 911 Driving School franchisees keep up with new developments in the marketplace. Regional activities are an important part of our continuing education program. This program helps keep you informed on a variety of subjects and provides an opportunity for you to interact with other franchisees and the 911 Driving School management team. 90005 90004 90005 90072 Marketing 90073 90004 Your franchisee partnership with 911 Driving School marketing begins with your initial training program.Each new franchisee meets with the team to understand the importance and process of a grand opening, analyzing the competition, local store marketing, etc. and that partnership is further developed once the new store opens. You’ll receive best practices and tips that will enhance your store’s performance. The Marketing team also creates all national online initiatives that include search engine optimization programs and template local ads. Since marketing initiatives are key to any successful business, our 911 Driving School team is always available to help with your local store’s plans and needs.90005 90004 90005 90072 Quality Service Control (QSC) 90073 90004 To ensure that all 911 Driving Schools are supporting the brand appropriately, the Vice President of Operations or other authorized representatives will visit school locations on an annual basis, or as needed, for inspection. These thorough reviews of the premises and operations help confirm that our high standards, which have helped drive customer loyalty for 10 years, are being met. 90005 90004 90005.90000 KinderMBA Franchise Cost & Fees 90001 90002 KinderMBA Franchise Opportunities 90003 90004 The KinderMBA project aims to develop business management skills, entrepreneurial skills, 90005 leadership potential, and out-of-the-box thinking 90006 in preschoolers and school kids. We help kids choose their future profession and get the necessary knowledge of economics and finance. 90005 KinderMBA business school is a guide to the world of the first projects, researches, creativity, and leadership.90006 90009 90004 Much attention is paid to Problem Solving Skills and the ability to find innovative solutions. 90009 90004 Our programs 90009 90004 Four stages and 25 author modules; each of them includes a project. 90009 90004 KinderMBA is: 90009 90018 90019 Four stages and 25 author modules; each of them includes a project. 90020 90019 Projects of 2 types: 90020 90018 90019 Devised by kids themselves; 90020 90019 Real case studies from the biggest companies. 90020 90028 90019 Educational-methodical complex.90020 90019 Teacher training programs. 90020 90019 Learning Management System — LMS. 90020 90019 Supervisors of project activities, project presentations in Moscow State University. 90020 90019 The KinderMBA Foundation program is accredited by Moscow State University. 90020 90019 Collaboration with large companies, case studies from companies, participation in major events, presentations of children’s projects at the SAP forum, and at the Education City forum, implementing successful business projects of our students, early career counseling.90020 90019 Built-in quality control system. 90020 90019 Teaching method patent and registered trademark. 90020 90019 International business trips and excursions to large companies. 90020 90019 Skills assessment. 90020 90028 90004 Franchise Offer 90009 90004 There are 2 KinderMBA franchise formats: 90009 90004 1. We offer a unique KinderMBA franchise of business school for preschoolers and schoolchildren. 90009 90004 KinderMBA franchise is the right to implement educational programs for all ages in your town, city, country, or republic.We assure you that the business model is effective and promises consistent assistance and program updates. 90009 90004 The project mission is to develop in kids not only entrepreneurial thinking but also leadership potential, creativity and skills required in the 21st century, including the ability of teamwork, the development of emotional intelligence, the ability to deal with information, negotiation skills and how to take responsibility for the result and even how to perceive mistakes! We also organize excursions to top companies, business lunches with the representatives of entrepreneurial elite where the students can learn about successful case studies; we teach how to start your own projects or startups which could be later presented at the annual conference in Moscow State University.90009 90004 The goal of the project is to help kids choose their future profession and get the necessary knowledge of economics and finance. 90009 90004 KinderMBA franchise format 90009 90004 We invite the representatives of the cities with more than a million people and the business people from other countries and republics to obtain the exclusive rights and implement KinderMBA author programs! 90009 90004 It is possible to start several schools in one country or republic, depending on the number of population.The programs can also be implemented in private and public schools and kindergartens as well as in business camp programs during summer, winter, spring, and autumn holidays. 90009 90068 90069 90070 Franchise of KinderMBA business school for preschoolers and schoolchildren 90071 90072 90069 90074 Initial investment 90075 90074 $ 82,020 90075 90072 90069 90074 Franchise fee 90075 90074 $ 77,090 90075 90072 90069 90074 Royalty 90075 90074 7% 90075 90072 90069 90074 Average turnover 90075 90074 From $ 13,320 90075 90072 90069 90074 Pay back 90075 90074 24 months 90075 90072 90103 90004 2.We offer preschool educational establishments a unique franchise of KinderMBA business school for preschoolers. 90009 90004 KinderMBA franchise is the right to implement programs for preschoolers in your educational establishment. We guarantee the effectiveness of the business model, constant support, and program updates. 90009 90004 The mission of the project is to develop in preschoolers not only entrepreneurial thinking but also leadership potential, creativity and skills of 21st century, including teamwork, problem solving skills, soft skills, public speeches, creative thinking, empathy, project thinking, motivation, goal setting, as well as the ability to create and present their projects.90009 90068 90111 Program navigation 90112 90069 90074 Level 0: «The theory of solving inventive tasks and creativity development.» 90075 90074 The theory of solving inventive tasks helps develop creative and systematic thinking and find creative ways to solve the issues. 90075 90074 During the course, the kids are taught to solve the problems, think logically, have a new insight in different things, and choose out-of-box solutions .. 90075 90072 90069 90122 The result of the course is its own book of puzzles! 90075 90072 90069 90074 Level 0: «My first project.»90075 90074 At this level, the kids are taught to do their first real team project. 90075 90074 The program teaches to: 90018 90019 Determine project goal; 90020 90019 Plan project stages; 90020 90019 Conduct the first research on collecting information; 90020 90019 Develop a product; 90020 90019 Estimate the resources needed for project implementation and calculate the cost of the product. 90020 90028 90075 90072 90069 90122 The result of the course is its own project.The best projects will be presented at the KinderMBA conference. 90075 90072 90103 90068 90111 You can choose a franchise specifically for your educational organization: 90112 90069 90154 90070 Programs for preschool and elementary school kids 90071 90072 90069 90074 Name 90075 90074 1 module (1 semester) 90075 90074 4 modules + camp 90075 90072 90069 90074 Initial investment 90075 90074 $ 6,170 90075 90074 $ 17,730 90075 90072 90069 90074 Franchise fee 90075 90074 $ 5,400 90075 90074 $ 16,960 90075 90072 90069 90074 Royalty 90075 90074 7% 90075 90074 7% 90075 90072 90069 90074 Average turnover 90075 90074 $ 1,620 90075 90074 $ 2,550 90075 90072 90069 90074 Payback 90075 90074 9 months 90075 90074 14 months 90075 90072 90103 90004 90005 Modules are easily integrated into the educational process and help attract more kids to kindergartens and elementary schools! 90006 KinderMBA School gives the opportunity to partners to have higher income from the first months of work.90009 90211 How much does KinderMBA franchise cost? 90212 90004 KinderMBA has the franchise fee of up to $ 77,090, with a total initial investment from $ 82,020. 90009 90068 90111 Initial investments 90112 90069 90219 Format 90071 90221 Business school for preschoolers and school kids 90071 90070 Business school for preschoolers 90071 90072 90069 90227 4 stages of education and 25 author modules 90075 90229 1 stage for preschoolers 90075 90072 90069 90074 1 module 90075 90074 4 modules + camp program 90075 90072 90069 90239 Initial investments include: 90075 90074 Office rent 90075 90243 Promotional materials (flyers, banners, award certificates, stands, posters) 90075 90072 90069 90074 Promotional materials (flyers, banners, award certificates, stands, posters ) 90075 90072 90069 90074 Office branding 90075 90229 Office branding 90075 90072 90069 90074 Office equipment 90075 90229 Franchise fee 90075 90072 90069 90074 Franchise fee 90075 90243 Textbooks 90075 90072 90069 90074 Textbooks 90075 90072 90069 90074 Initial investment 90075 90074 $ 82,020 90075 90074 $ 6,170 90075 90074 $ 17,730 90075 90072 9 0103 90068 90111 Pay back 90112 90069 90219 Format 90071 90221 Business school for preschoolers and school kids 90071 90070 Business school for preschoolers 90071 90072 90069 90227 4 stages of education and 25 author modules 90075 90229 1 stage for preschoolers 90075 90072 90069 90074 1 module 90075 90074 4 modules + camp program 90075 90072 90069 90074 Pay back 90075 90074 24 months 90075 90074 9 months 90075 90074 14 months 90075 90072 90103 90068 90111 Average monthly turnover 90112 90069 90219 Format 90071 90221 Business school for preschoolers and school kids 90071 90070 Business school for preschoolers 90071 90072 90069 90227 4 stages of education and 25 author modules 90075 90229 1 stage for preschoolers 90075 90072 90069 90074 1 module 90075 90074 4 modules + camp program 90075 90072 90069 90074 Average monthly turnover: 90075 90074 From $ 13,320 90075 90074 From $ 1,620 90075 90074 From $ 2,550 90075 90072 90103 90004 Royalty: 7% 90009 90068 90111 Franchise fee 90112 90069 90219 Format 90071 90221 Business school for preschoolers and school kids 90071 90070 Business school for preschoolers 90071 90072 90069 90227 4 stages of education and 25 author modules 90075 90229 1 stage for preschoolers 90075 90072 90069 90074 1 module 90075 90074 4 modules + camp program 90075 90072 90069 90074 Franchise fee 90075 90074 $ 77,090 90075 90074 $ 5,400 90075 90074 $ 16,960 90075 90072 90103 90004 Request Free Info 90388 90009 90004 KinderMBA franchise success story 90009 90004 From a small startup to big innovations in education 90009 90018 90019 The company was established in 2011 року.From 2011 to 2012 the main activity of the company was consulting services for startups. 90020 90019 Since 2013, KinderMBA program of business education for school kids has been developed. 90020 90019 In 2013-2014, the grant program of education for school kids of 9-11 classes was being implemented. The contest helped choose 60 school kids in 2013 and 150 school kids in 2014. The education was arranged in three modules: venture management, venture investment, mobile application development.90020 90019 In 2013-2014, Russian and international (Austria, Germany) business camps for school kids were organized. Since 2013 KinderMBA has been organizing annual business camps for kids. 90020 90019 In 2014 року, KinderMBA students became winners and prize takers of All-Rusian and International contests. 90020 90019 In 2015-2016, the development of modules for school kids from 6 to 17 years old: KinderMBA Kids program (6-7 years), KinderMBA Start program (elementary school students), KinderMBA Pro program (students from 5 to 8 forms ), and KinderMBA Foundation program (students of 9-11 classes).90020 90019 In 2015 року, KinderMBA program was launched in Moscow`s public schools and private kids clubs. 90020 90019 In 2015 року, KinderMBA program students took part in a city conference on financial literacy, which takes place every year in school 1518 (Moscow). 90020 90019 In December 2015 року, the first conference was held in the economic faculty of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. More than 50 school kids from 1 to 7th grade participated in the event. 90020 90019 In 2016 within the grant program on financial literacy and entrepreneurship, more than 300 students of 860 schools (Moscow) completed the course.90020 90019 In 2015-2016, several master classes on financial literacy for parents were held. 90020 90019 In 2016, a joint training program with the economic faculty of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov was held. The program was for 9-11 grade students. The network agreement was concluded with the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. Classes under the KinderMBA Foundation program were held at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. 90020 90019 In 2016, the first kids business forum «Galaxy of Success» was organized.More than 500 school kids took part in it. 90020 90019 In 2017, the students of KinderMBA business school won in the city conference on financial literacy and Olympiads of financial literacy. 90020 90019 In 2017, KinderMBA business school students took part in the contest, «Young Innovators» organized by the Moscow government. The projects of our students got into the final of the competition and were presented on the avenue of startups. 90020 90019 In 2017 in a partner school «Way to success,» a kid project «Food in the horn» was implemented.90020 90019 In 2017 within the frames of licensed agreement LLC «FODO Obraz» (Russia) (brand League of Robots in Moscow-100 clubs of robotics), which was concluded for a year, the classes of KinderMBA program were conducted on 20 sites in Moscow and the Moscow region. 90020 90019 In 2017, more than 600 school kids (1-11 grades) took part in Moscow State University conference where they presented more than 200 projects. The projects were assessed by 100 experts. 90020 90019 In 2018, the students of KinderMBA business school took part in the forum «City of Education» as speakers.90020 90019 In 2018, a partnership with private schools in Moscow. 90020 90019 In 2018, new products were developed: individual approaches, competency diagnostics, and the parent club. 90020 90019 2019 the franchise was launched 90020 90028 90004 Business Model of KinderMBA franchise for school kids and preschoolers 90009 90004 90005 The main objective of the franchisee is to organize in a native city / country / republic the implementation of the program in educational establishments, and the work of KinderMBA own school, constantly increase the number of locations and brand recognition! 90006 90009 90004 90005 The revenue is made up of own KinderMBA school earnings and fees paid by educational establishments for the implementation of programs and from camps.90006 90009 90004 See the minimum indicators for a Russian city below. 90009 90004 An average monthly turnover is from $ 13,320: 90009 90068 90069 90221 Programs 90071 90221 Program price 90071 90221 Number of students in a group 90071 90072 90069 90074 Implementation of a program in an own school 90075 90074 $ 110 90075 90074 72 90075 90072 90069 90074 Implementation of a program in a private school 90075 90074 $ 30 90075 90074 60 90075 90072 90069 90074 Implementation of a program in a top public school 90075 90074 $ 30 90075 90074 60 90075 90072 90069 90074 Camp 90075 90074 $ 30 90075 90074 60 90075 90072 90103 90004 Average expenses $ 6,130: 90009 90018 90019 Office rent 90020 90019 Teacher`s salary 90020 90019 Manager`s salary 90020 90019 Textbooks 90020 90019 Royalty 90020 90019 Promotion 90020 90019 Other expenses: acquiring, taxes 90020 90028 90004 KinderMBA franchise business model for students and preschoolers 90009 90004 The program for preschool educational establishments and elementary schools is integrated into the curriculum as basic and / or additional classes, as well as for theme camps.90009 90004 90005 The revenue includes monthly subscription fees and camp fees: 90006 90388 The average price per month (Moscow) is $ 100 for 8 lessons. 90388 The average number of students in a group is 10. 90388 The average number of children in one establishment per month is 20-30 (depending on ongoing additional programs and camps). 90388 Total — the average monthly turnover of $ 1,620. 90009 90004 90005 Costs from $ 490: 90006 90388 Teacher’s salary 90388 Textbooks 90388 Promotion 90388 Royalty 90388 Taxes 90009 90004 Advantages of KinderMBA franchise 90009 90004 The main advantages of KinderMBA are unique own methodologies, teacher training programs, outstanding project activity techniques, a recognizable brand! 90009 90004 Since 2013, KinderMBA has been the leader in the development of entrepreneurial thinking, business management skills, leadership potential, and creative thinking.We develop the skills required to work in the 21st century. 90009 90004 A program for the development of leadership potential, creativity, emotional intelligence, and project activities has been developed specifically for preschoolers! The goal of the program is the development of communication skills and socialization. Based on the results of each module, our students do and present their own projects! 90009 90004 KinderMBA — educational-methodical complex consists of 25 unique copyright modules! KinderMBA uses all possible Omnichannel marketing technologies: 90009 90018 90019 Federal website and social networking for our partners, we are experts in online promotion.90020 90019 Brand book. 90020 90019 Own blog. 90020 90019 Newsletters. 90020 90019 Well-established technique for working with schools. 90020 90019 Participation in federal and city events-exhibitions, forums, etc. 90020 90019 Articles in specialized magazines, we have advanced knowledge in the area. 90020 90019 Frequent publications in Mass Media, and consultations of our experts on radio and TV. 90020 90019 Constantly growing interest in business education and loyal audience. 90020 90028 90004 KinderMBA is an innovative business model which gives the franchisee competitive advantages on the market of education for kids, which means constantly high revenue.90009.90000 Check Out The Most Profitable Pre-School Franchise In India 90001 90002 The concept of pre-schooling evolved in India a couple of decades back and has been developing fast in the current scenario. Parents are more concerned than ever with their kids ‘future, and willingly spend money to give the children the best possible education right from preschool levels. Therefore, Opening a preschool franchise business in India can turn out to be a wise business decision. While there are many preschools across various regions in India, below is the list of the most profitable pre-school franchise in India that has the best possible future.90003 90002 90005 Kidzee 90006 90003 90002 Kidzee is considered one of the best preschool franchises in India. With its 900 branches spanning 330 cities in India, It is also Asia’s largest chain of pre-schools. Kidzee also emerged as India’s franchisor of the year in all sectors. To become a Franchisee for this biggest preschool network in India, required investment is just INR 5-10 lakhs and the required floor area is 2500sq ft. 90003 90002 90005 Cambridge Montessori Pre-School and Day Care 90006 90003 90002 Cambridge Montessori Pre School and Day Care is poised to bring excellence in early life education.The USPs of the brand is its Child-centric curriculum at par with best in the world. As per Cambridge Montessori Preschool and Daycare (CMPS), independent learning, creative learning, and excellent communications skills are the basic needs for students to survive and grow in this competitive world. CMPS aims to provide value based education of International standards by using best practices. Their approach is to make pupils confident, independent and make their life successful. The investment required to start a franchise is INR 5 — 10 Lakhs and floor area requirement is 3000-10000sq.ft 90003 90002 90005 Eurokids 90006 90003 90002 The first of its kind of preschools that work with International standards as the basis, with the idea of ​​providing a unique learning experience to young children. Eurokids has a network of 1000+ pre-schools spread across 3 countries, 350 towns & cities. If you are looking to be an entrepreneur, then, the EuroKids franchise opportunity is the best stepping stone towards achieving your ambition. With an experienced management and a professional team of pre-schooling experts to guide you, EuroKids offers you an investment-friendly opportunity with scalable returns.The initial investment requirement for opening a Euro Kids nursery school franchise in India is INR 10-15 Lakhs and the space required is 2000sq ft. 90003 90002 90005 Sunshine Worldwide School 90006 90003 90002 Sunshine Worldwide School was started with a vision to foster real-life education, steeped in the values ​​of a traditional Indian outlook, assuring a balance of international and ethnic expectations. 90003 90002 It is a school with a happy, supportive atmosphere which follows an evolved system of education.An exciting curriculum is combined with a full programme outside the classroom. The use of efficient modern technology further facilitates and enhances a ‘Child-centric’ approach. Students are groomed into confident, responsible, talented and complete individuals. You can enjoy a rewarding career in the highly competitive pre-school industry by becoming a franchisee of Sunshine Worldwide School. It requires an investment of INR 10 — 20 Lakhs with 5000-7000sq.ft as the required space. 90003 90002 90005 SmartSchool Junior 90006 90003 90002 SmartSchool Junior Preschool is India’s most advanced and the most affordable preschool.With lowest most investment and world standard curriculum, it is the fastest growing preschool chain in India. With SmartSchool Junior, you would get an opportunity to run profitable businesses in the same location, a never seen phenomenon in the preschool business. You would need to make an investment of just INR 2 — 5 Lakhs and 1000-2500sq.ft is the floor area requirement. 90003 .

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